BEAR POND ESPRESSO's Flower Child is a complex blend created by BEAR POND ESPRESSO owner Katsuyuki Tanaka featuring green coffee beans from major growing regions in South and Central America and in Africa.
Its complexity results in harmonious flavors of dark chocolate,
sweet citrus, caramel that linger in a long aftertaste.
This blend makes excellent cups both of espresso and Pour Over.
Flower Child is the basis for Katsuyuki Tanaka's original espresso, "Angel Stain, 2009” featuring two-layer espresso rings of cold milk without ice, followed by "Dirty, 2010," and
his original "EXPERIENCE coffeedust bar, 2014'' made without cocoa butter.
If you are interested in Flower Child, please feel free to contact us.
For business purposes, transactions from overseas are also possible.
BEAR POND ESPRESSOのフラワーチャイルドは、BEAR POND ESPRESSOオーナー/田中勝幸が、中南米、アフリカなどの
田中勝幸のオリジナルエスプレッソ「Angel Stain-2009」、
そしてカカオバターを使わずに作った「EXPERIENCE coffeedust bar -2014」のベースとなっています。
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Flower Child